John Oxley

John Oxley Portrait - South African Ambassador to Australia

John Oxley

Portrait commission: John Oxley – South African Ambassador to Australia a personal friend of Dr H.B. Dyer

Year: 1991
Category: Portrait
Size: 80cm x 120cm
Medium: Oil

The portrait was created from the black and white photograph shown below at the request of Dr. H.B. Dyer who at the time was the Managing Director of De Beers Industrial Diamonds LTD (DEBID).

John Oxley authored the book Places of Worship in South Africa.

Book: Places of worship in South Africa

Places of worship in South Africa by John Oxley


Different creeds are but different paths to reach the Almighty.

Various are the ways that lead to the house of the Lord.

Every religion is but one of such paths that lead to God

Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886)


Posted on

31st December 2018

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