buffalo Herd detail

buffalo Herd detailbuffalo Herd detailYear: 2013Category: WildlifeSize: 0cm x 120cmMedium: AcrylicOriginal file: buffalo herd sabie detail.jpg

Buffallo herd Sabie

Buffallo Herd Sabie Calm, serene, majestic, dangerous – the Buffalo Year: 2013 Category: Wildlife Size: 130cm x 60cm Medium: Acrylic A wedding gift for Jamie and Chris 24 May, 2013

Buffalo Herd

Buffalo Herdan addition of horns and bodies creates a new imageYear: 2012Category: WildlifeSize: 0cm x 120cmMedium: AcrylicOriginal file: 100_2837-001.JPG

Stark beauty

Stark beautyThe stark beauty of the ever moving landscapeYear: 2009Category: LandscapeSize: 85cm x 120cmMedium: AcrylicOriginal file: DSCN1523.jpg

A Triptych of Power

A Triptych of PowerA triptych of a breaking waveYear: 2010Category: AbstractSize: 180cm x 120cmMedium: AcrylicOriginal file: WAVE POWER.JPG

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